Tell Me A Sweet Lie...

BAVANI loves the backstreet boys She also loves to watch horror,thriller and gory movies like paranormal activity, harper's island, fringe, the happening, stay alive, twilight, saw, new moon and 300 Oh, and she simply adores her man.

BAVANI absolutely hates people who take credit for her work and cannot stand linkin park



Jesscca + Ryan Alisa + Edwin + Fiona + Xiaowei + Xuewen + Irene + Kiran + Lowell + Shi mei + Jocille + Stella + Jialing + William


December 2009
January 2010


Your Music Player Here

Thursday, December 31, 2009.

Booyea ppl :D

It's New Year's Eve! And Rhino isn't online D: Omfg, I miss his super duper uber much! I feel so distant from him. But anyw, I'm thinking I should blog abt one thing at a time. Like one topic per post. Like an actual blog. Haha, not like th random crap tt it is and alw has been xD But hell, who am I kidding? I can't do tt xD

I miss Rhino terribly ): I feel so distant from him. I don't know why. I just need him right next t me. I know it sounds really selfish t hog him all t myself but I can't help it. I've never loved anyone like I love him. Y'know it's a special bond. Not just some sexual crap. Sigh. And I remember he told me t listen t 'Someone tt you're with' by Nickelback. I was touched. And I swear I almost cried. I mean, he's th one of th two in a million who reminds me tt I'm beautiful (: th other's Old man. Hahaha, he's just a close friend. He consoles me whenever I cry. And there's only one reason tt I cry. Nothing hurts more than missing Rhino. Really. They say pain doesn't hurt when it's all you've felt. But why does missing him keep killing me more and more everytime?

But hell, it's 2010! And still no sign of Rhino :\

it's 2012!

Omg, apocalypse! apocalypse! APOCALYPSE! Eh, oh wait. It's only 2010 :\ Hahaha, two more years t go, ppl :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009.

Hello ppl :D

Just came back after a long but awesome day ((: Went t th Quest for Immortality: th world of Ancient Egypt at th Singapore History Museum! Woots! You can't imagine how happy I was when my Dad decided t bring me there. I was like hinting and hinting and hinting. But apparently they didn't get it =.=

BUT. We spent like 3hours looking at th exhibits. Didn't get t see a real mummy though ): But th other exhibits were insane :D Haha, and th history of Singapore was cool, too. Okay I can't believe I just said tt but yea. It was cool! Hahaha :D

Ohyea, I've been getting these weird dreams lately. Like for th past week. Th dreams are abt random ppl. Like seriously random. But they're abt th ppl I know. Recently it was abt th twins and- Okay I'd rather not say. But I don't get dreams abt th ppl I want t dream abt. Like I don't get dreams abt Rhino, Kav nor J :\

And y'know some ppl will send you those lil chain texts. Not th one where it reads "you will die tonight if you don't send this t 10 ppl in th next 20 mins" Those are like bullshit, man. I mean those nice ones. Like I sent this t a few friends. Abt thanking them for making me smile in 2009. And I only sent it t like th ppl who really mean everything t me. And some ppl didn't send back ): I mean I didn't expect everyone t send back cuz well, some of 'em use prepaid. But some ppl have unlimited texts and calls. And still can't send back. Pfft.

BUT I'm happy. And I'm not gonna dwell in misfortunes and neither am I going t put up w it. I have a feeling this is going t be a long blogpost. Okay, maybe I should have figured tt out sooner. Hahaha. Y'know they say "blood is thicker than water" I find it w ambivalent. In one way, yes it does make sense. But what if th blood's dry and th water's contaminated? It's sad t think abt, actually.

Anyw, B and her lil sister ran away from home. How sad LOL Actually I'm quite happy. Cuz their parents might divorce. And ppl, in this case, divorce is th perfect decision! I'm not being a sadist. I really despise B and her lil scumbag of a sister. They act like they're th beauty queens of th universe or something. Pfft. Bimbo fuck. Anyw, they ran away from home and they didn't come back. Then Aunt made police report. Uncle didn't bother. Then when Aunt called her home she said she isn't coming back. According t Aunt, B and her lil scumbag ran away t one of their boyf's house; and stayed there overnight. My Dad's convinced tt she's gonna have an abortion xD Dunno why Singaporean parents are like tt. They think tt if you let you daughter/son (esp daughter) alone w someone of th opposite sex for 2 seconds, they're gonna copulate. It's th biological term for sex LOL So yea. Like HELLO, haven't they heard of gay? =.=

Hell, don't even think abt it! I'm not gay. Although I see nothing wrong w being gay. But I'm not gay. Ditto.

And I was just talking t Rhino. Yea, I talk t him everyday. He's late for Christmas shopping, man! And he just went. Like on Christmas Eve! But heck, I can't wait t celebrate my v first Christmas w him and his family :D Woots! Hahaha ((: So yea, he's like my perfect man. And I mean MAN :D Haha, he makes me feel beautiful. Not everyone can do tt, y'know! Haha. I've never loved anyone like I love him. It's like a totally different kind of love. Not something I've experienced before. And tt's an awesome thing ((: Hahaha! Man, I seriously can't stop smiling when I'm talking t him. Heck, I can't stop smiling when I merely think abt him. And I he's always on my mind. Like alw. I just wish I was 19 alr. Hehe (; Winkwink. But patience is a virtue. So yea. It's something I'm preaching t Snowbelle :D And you needa practice what you preach :D Okay back t Rhino. If I could describe him in one word, it's got t be perfect (: He's th best thing tt's ever happened t me. All things in consideration (including sexual preference) I want him :D And I have him all t myself. I feel like a princess right now :D Haha, royalty. And if you're reading this, Rhino. I want you t know tt I love you w all my heart and soul.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009.

Babyboo :D

Hahaha, feeling happy right now. Was entertained by M while waiting for Rhino t come online. Man, M screwed his mrs till she couldn't walk LOL He really did. I'm amazed, too. Haha, old man's got skills :D Andandand he said I'm like th same size as his mrs o.O Weird innit?

Hmm, everyone's so inactive in their blogs. And I miss Kav. Wonder when she's coming back. But anyw, I want t blog abt something but I forgot D: Dang memory.

abortion does not
mean you're un-pregnant;

it means you're th mother;
of a dead baby.

Monday, December 21, 2009.

I love my new heels :D

Hahaha, just came back after a super long day of shopping w Mom. Went t Plaza Singapura and Tiong Bahru Plaza. I was complaining t her (rubbing it in her face) tt no one buys me presents for Christmas :D Okay I know I shouldn't have done tt but I couldn't resist D: Hahaha. Anyw, I love th new 2010 planner I bought. Desperately needed one. It's super adorable w th lil colourful circles (: Hahaha!

Bought eyeliner, too. My old eyeliner's like only 1 inch right now. Like literally. Yea, it's th kind tt you have t sharpen w th makeup sharpener. Troublesome yea. But th new one's th twist kind. Y'know like th twister crayon ((: Hahaha. And bought a new book, too! Omg, I can't even put th book down, man! I pryed myself from it t log in t talk t Rhino and M. But neither is online ): So I'm checking out cheats for th Sims 2 :D Muahahaha.

Ohyea, I absolutely LOVE my new heels! Okay I don't mean t brag or anything but I know it's gonna sound super conceited xD But cut me some slack ppl. It's my first actual pair of high heels. It's only 2 inches though. And obviously, it's back :D Haha, it's got both th gloss and matt finish and I love it! I can't believe I'm saying this but they actually made me feel sexy. :O Omg, they did! xD Hahaha, I did a lil playboy pose in front of my mirror and was like WHOA!! It was th first time I actually thought I was hot :O

i'm bringing sexy back :D

Saturday, December 19, 2009.

Booyea ppl :D

Hahaha! I'm lathargic D: Went t J's house for a lil birthday party. Felt a lil like a lightbulb though. But food was good (: Omg, she had a oreo cheesecake birthday cake!! Like serious calorie counting moment there but c'mon, no one can resist oreo cheesecake, yea? Haha! Anyw, I'm glad she liked my gift. Well, I hope she liked it. Spent months saving up for it. And spent ages looking for something special like tt. But heck, it's purple :D

After tt went t Tiong Bahru Plaza t buy heels. But I didn't like any. Yes, I am fussy when it comes t buying stuff for myself. Esp clothes and shoes. So yea, a shopping day with me means a following week of body aches xD So yea, mom tried t win me a prize at th arcade t cheer me up. Y'know what's weird? She actually noticed tt I wasn't my usual can't-shut-th-fuck-up self :\

Ohyea, Mom won a soft toy for me :D But we spent quite a lot of money trying t get it. I think I spend my last $10 for tt soft toy. I pay, Mom plays. Haha, ironic but yea. Anyw, th toy is mucho adorable! It's a stitch plushie :D And I was carrying it in my arms like a lil baby LOL Ppl were eyeing my plushie all th way home. Walked all th way home btw. Talked t Mom abt future plans and stuff. And yea, my feet hurt.

OHYEA! I almost forgot. I talked t Rhino last night. Like actually talked. He sounds way English t me. And he says I sound Swedish. Like what th F moment. I do not sound Swedish, man! I speak proper English! Well, he's finally revived his blog :D Linked alr.

So yea, in my last post I typed out a lil poem. Hope ya'll understood it. Just needed t express some feelings. But ppl don't get my poetry. Contraband says it's shit. Well, okay. Everyone is entitled t their own opinion (: And at least he gave my poetry a try. Like he read it. Once. But still..

fear of solitude

Thursday, December 17, 2009.

Booyea (:

Okay, smiley face was unnecessary. But whatever. I haven't smiled in th last 24h. Well, up till now. Was just talking t M. He's an awesome friend. Actually, he's more than just awesome xD But anyw, he has a girlf. They've been together for like two years, man! And Aida (M's mrs) is (was) Singaporean xD She hooked up w M when she moved t Australia. And she is freaking lucky! Like seriously. I mean I just spoke t them on cam. Yea, t Aida too. And man, they are one insanely loving couple. Of course, there's th sex and all. But besides tt, it seems like they have an awesome romance.

He like puts his arms around her. Y'know like couples do in th movies. Yea, omg. I'm majorly green now. D: I really wish Rhino was here. Sigh. I haven't spoken t him in days. I'm missing his crazy.

And tmr needa go back t th hospital. Doc wanna talk t me. And man, you cannot imagine how scared I am right now. I hate it when ppl say 'We need t talk' or 'Can I ask you something' It's scary. I mean like if you wanna ask me just ask me. It only makes me nervous when you say stuff like tt. Okay not referring t anyone specific. I'm just saying.

this oracle;
we've been here before.

this heartache;
i want it no more.

these tears they;
consistent they pour.

slowly crawl out th door.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009.

Booyea :D

Haha, I wonder if anyone's been reading my blog. Heck, there's like only one post. But anyw, hope more ppl read :>

"If you cry, you're going t get a headache."

That's what my mom said when she saw me crying. Then she went t read th papers. She doesn't know how much her words hurt me. I don't mean those words. I mean like what she alw says t me. I'm not gonna disclose what she said or else I'm gonna start crying again. Y'know it hurts when your mom doesn't..

..oh, I don't know. It doesn't mean anyt anyw.

Besides tt, I love watching Shane on Youtube. ShaneDawsontv2. He's really cool hahaha. Well, although he cusses a whole lot. But he's real. I mean like he's down t earth. And he's a perv :D Hahaha! But he's not crazy like Onison or random like SwiftKarateChop. But you guys should go check him out (:

happy birthday, babe!

Monday, December 14, 2009.

Booyea :D

Haha, hey ppl! Me has a new blog! Woots! Haha, okay toning down excitement. Well, I've decided t create a new blog for actually one reason. To forget abt th past. Memories of Vanilla are haunting me, man. Creepo. Cuz I alw keep re-reading my past posts when I have nothing better t do (and believe me, I really have nothing better t do) So yea, I've been spending a lot of time re-reading posts abt him.

But well, he's my past. And what's done is done. Yea, I'm still friends w him. But not as close as before. Haha. Anyw, point being I want t start anew, I created a new blog. Yeah xD Hahaha!

Okay, so abt today. Woke up early t go t th hospital. Needed t do blood test. I was actually expecting th worst. Like th pain, I mean. But it really wasn't tt bad. Heck, I didn't feel a thing. I've had a horrible experience w needles and blood tests before.

irrational fear of injections